Safety Online
While takes
no responsibility for the accuracy or integrity of any postings, here is some useful information about classified ads online that may help you from being caught in a scam.
Please be aware of scam artists that use the internet to take advantage of services such as our online classifieds. If something sounds suspicious or too good to be true, it probably is.
• Deal with local people you can meet in person and/or by a local phone number. This will help avoid scam artists that exploit the internet.
• Never give out financial information (bank account number, social security number, eBay/PayPal info, etc.).
• Never wire funds (via Western Union or other wire service).
• Watch out for fraudulent cashier's checks and/or money orders.
• Beware when payment is required up front or when you are asked to return money to the buyer. Example: If your item price is $100 and a buyer says they will send you a check for $500 and ask you to mail them the difference - this is a scam. Do not comply and avoid this buyer.
• Be cautious of emails with spelling errors, grammar problems, or inconsistent information. It may originate from outside the country.
• Scammers will often "guarantee" a transaction - this is common in fraudulent deals.
• Be cautious of buyers who are working for a "Client" - again deal only with people you can meet with in person or trust.
• is not involved in any transaction. We are not involved with shipping, payment or any other part of your transaction with a buyer or seller.
• Use good, old fashioned common sense. Think carefully about the information you give to a buyer or seller.
• Be a savvy Internet user and investigate your options!
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this FBI Page for some more information on common internet scams.